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Betacarotene - Food Sources

Date reviewed: 7 July 2015 | Date updated: 7 July 2015

Betacarotene predominantly exists in plant food sources.Betacarotene can be found mostly in yellow or orange plant food sources (fruits or vegetables) as well as in leafy green vegetables.

Betacarotene needs to be converted into vitamin A in order to be utilised by the body for the various functions it requires.

The table below shows the betacarotene levels in a number of common food sources.

Betacarotene Food Sources

Betacarotene (mg)
Sweet potato, cooked 1 medium 9230
Carrot 1 medium 8100
Collard greens cooked ½ cup 7400
Spinach, cooked ½ cup 7290
Winter squash, cooked ½ cup 6560
Kale, cooked ½ cup 4560
Apricots, fresh 3 2890
Rockmelon (cantaloupe) 1 cup 2720
Pepper, sweet red ½ cup 2225
Peach, yellow 1 large 2030>
Broccoli, cooked ½ cup 1940
Tomato Juice 1 cup 1460
Asparagus, cooked 1 cup 1220
Tomato 1 medium 1110
Prunes, stewed ½ cup 1065
Watermelon, cubed 1 cup 940
Peas ½ cup 430
Brussels sprouts ½ cup 405
Orange 1 medium 400
Green beans, cooked ½ cup 340
Zucchini ½ cup 270
Banana 1 medium 230
Pepper, green ½ cup 210
Apple 1 medium 120
Cabbage ½ cup 90
Cauliflower 1 cup 80
Grapefruit ½ medium 80


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