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Vitamin A - Facts and Information

Date reviewed: 5 July 2015 | Date updated: 5 July 2015

Vitamin A is a very important nutrient for the body.

Some facts about vitmain A:

  • Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin - vitamin A is one of the few vitamins that is fat-soluble and so it requires some fat to be eaten at the same time, to enable it to be digested and absorbed properly so that it can be used by the body as required. As most vitamin A sources are from animal food sources, they will also contain some fat helping with its absorption
  • Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant - vitamin A's antioxidant properties are very potent. It acts to scavenge free radicals in the body that may otherwise do damage to DNA and raise risk of cancer and heart disease. Vitamin A reduces the oxidative damage that may otherwise occur in the cells of the body, from free radicals causing damage to them, if it was not available to neutralise and remove them
  • Vitamin A exists in the epithelial and mucous tissues - vitamin A is found in the mucous (respiratory, gastrointestinal) and epithelial (urinary) cells of the body. The vitamin A in these cells helps to keep these cells moist and flexible, so that when any foreign substance (pathogens such as virus or bacteria) enters, these cells and tissues are able to eject the pathogen easily and resist infection. Without vitamin A, these cells may become stiff and dry, thus not providing the correct defence and allowing in the pathogen and enabling infection
  • There are high concentrations of vitamin A in the retina - vitamin A is required by the retina of the eye, to help it form retinal, the substance that allows light to pass through the retina and enable it to see. The alternative name for vitamin A is retinol, because it is so essential for the retina and eyesight
  • Vitamin A assists in cell growth and bone formation - vitamin A is needed to help the body cells repair, grow properly and to keep bones and teeth strong and healthy
  • Vitamin A is only found in animal food sources - vitamin A is only found in animal and animal product food sources. Vitamin A in animal foods (and animal products such as eggs, milk, cheese) comes pre-formed, so that the body does not have to process it in order to be able to absorb it - the vitamin A simply goes to the intestines where it is absorbed and used as required (including some storage in the liver)
  • Polar bear liver - The highest source of vitamin A is the polar bear liver, which has 13,000IU-18,000IU per gram of liver!! More than enough to give vitamin A poisoning, even if only a tiny bit was eaten
  • Vitamin A pre-formed - There are three forms of pre-formed vitamin A: retinol, retinaldehyde and retinoic acid. Retinol is destroyed by light, high temperatures as well as when using copper or iron cooking utensils


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