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Latest Nutrition News - Archive 1


Many cases of asthma linked to allergies
Published: 30/09/07
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA have determined that more than 50 percent of the current asthma cases in the USA are linked to allergies. This study shows that allergies to various substances are a major factor in asthma.... full story


Nutrition and medication may prevent prostate cancer
Published: 24/09/07
Recent investigations of medications, diet and the molecular understanding of prostate cancer are defining potential prevention strategies for the disease, and herald a new stage in the management of this cancer - medication together with nutritional strategies to provide a better outcome and prevention... full story


Vitamin D Supplements Appear To Be Associated With Lower Risk Of Death
Published: 10/09/07
A meta-analysis study of 18 previously published studies has revealed that Vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of death from any cause over an average follow-up time of six years. Earlier studies have suggested that deficiencies in vitamin D might be linked to a higher risk of death from disease such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, which account for 60-70% of deaths in developed, Western nations, according to the study... full story


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Mediterranean Diet May Help Alzheimer's Patients Live Longer
Published: 10/09/07
A study published in the Neurology journal has determined that a Mediterranean diet may help people with Alzheimer’s disease live longer than those people who eat a more traditional Western diet. The studie followed 192 Alzheimer's patients in New York and found that those who followed a diet close to a Mediterranean were 76% less likely to die during the 4.5 years the study was conducted... full story


Major study indicates a link between hyperactivity in children and certain food additives
Published: 06/09/07
The question of food colours and preservatives affecting children’s behaviour has been an unresolved question for parents for a long time. This significant new research by a team of scientists from the University of Southampton’s Schools of Psychology and Medicine provides a clear demonstration that changes in behaviour can be detected in three-year-old and eight-year-old children from eating foods with certain food additives. Professor of Psychology, Jim Stevenson, who led the research, comments: "We now have clear evidence that mixtures of certain food colours and benzoate preservative can adversely influence the behaviour of children". ... full story


Onset Of Diabetes Higher In Patients Who Have Had Heart Attacks
Published: 03/09/07
People who have had heart attacks are at higher risk of developing diabetes - both new-onset diabetes and the pre-diabetes condition, impaired fasting glucose (IFG), conclude authors of an article published in The Lancet. The study suggested that heart attack could be a could be a pre-diabetes risk-equivalent due to the higher incidence of both types of diabetes after a heart attack... full story


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Study Suggest Common Virus May Contribute to Oobesity in Some People
Published: 30/08/07
Scientists today reported new evidence that infection with a common virus may be a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic sweeping through the United States and other countries.  In laboratory experiments they showed that infection with human adenovirus-36 (Ad-36), long recognized as a cause of respiratory and eye infections in humans, transforms adult stem cells obtained from fat tissue into fat cells.  Stem cells not exposed to the virus, in contrast, were unchanged.... full story


Study Suggest Zinc Linked To Macular Degeneration
Published: 27/087/07
A team of scientists, including three researchers at George Mason University, found that the mineral zinc could play a role in the development of macular degeneration. In studying eye tissue samples, the researches found that deposits, that are hallmarks of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), contain large amounts of zinc. ... full story


Compounds That Color Fruits And Veggies May Protect Against Colon Cancer
Published: 19/08/07
A new study suggests that understanding the molecular structures of the compounds that give certain fruits and vegetables their bright, rich colors may help researchers find even more powerful cancer fighters. Evidence from laboratory experiments on rats and on human colon cancer cells suggests that anthocyanins, the compounds that give color to most red, purple and blue fruits and vegetables greatly slow the growth of colon cancer cells. The findings also bring scientists a step closer to figuring out what exactly gives fruits and vegetables their cancer-fighting properties... full story


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"Western" diet linked to increased risk of colon cancer recurrence
Published: 14/08/07
Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute report that people with colon cancer who eat a diet high in red meat, fatty products, refined grains, and desserts — a so-called "Western" diet — may be increasing their chance of disease relapse and early death ... full story


Study Links Metals to Alzheimer's and Other Neuro-Degenerative Diseases
Published: 10/08/07
A multi-institutional team of researchers led by Emory University has defined for the first time how metal ions bind to amyloid fibrils in the brain in a way that appears to be toxic to neurons. Amyloid fibrils are linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob.... full story

Where's The Beef? Not Enough Of It Is On Elders' Plates, Muscle-metabolism Study Suggests
Published: 09/08/07
Scientists at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston have good news for people who want to stay strong in their old age: older bodies are just as good as young ones at turning protein-rich food into muscle.A new study published today suggests that a diet containing a moderate amount of protein-rich food such as beef, fish, pork, chicken, dairy or nuts may help slow the deterioration of elderly people’s muscles. Reducing the decline in muscle mass among the elderly is crucial to maintaining their health and independence, these researchers say. And they add that consuming adequate protein is essential for making and maintaining muscles.... full story


High-Choline Diet Linked to Colorectal Polyps in Women
Published: 08/08/07
Contrary to expectations, diets high in the nutrient choline were associated with an increased risk of some colorectal polyps, which can but do not always lead to colorectal cancer, according to a study by the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston USA, which was published online in the August 7 Journal of the National Cancer Institute. This is the first study to examine the association between choline and colorectal polyps.... full story


Vitamin B1 Deficiency Key To Vascular Problems For Diabetic Patients, Study Suggests
Published: 07/08/07
Researchers at Warwick Medical School, UK, have discovered that a deficiency of thiamine – Vitamin B1  – may be key to a range of vascular problems for people with diabetes. They have also solved the mystery as to why thiamine deficiency in diabetes had remained hidden until now. The researchers found that the decreased plasma thiamine concentration in clinical diabetes was not due to a deficiency of dietary input of thiamine, but that it was due to a major increased rate of excretion of thiamine from the blood into the urine. The researchers have shown conclusively that diabetic patients are thiamine deficient in blood plasma ... full story


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