Latest Nutrition News - Archive 2
Native Australian Fruits Bear Sweet Antioxidants
Published: 01/08/07
Twelve native Australian fruits that are exceptional sources of antioxidants have been identified in research by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The native Australian fruits: Kakadu plum, Illawarra plum, Burdekin plum, Davidson’s plum, riberry, red and yellow finger limes, Tasmanian pepper, brush cherry, Cedar Bay cherry, muntries and Molucca raspberry; were compared with blueberries (cultivar Biloxi) – a fruit renowned for its high antioxidant properties and compared better than the blueberry for their antioxidant properties.... full story
Negative Effects of Plastic Additive Blocked by Nutrient Supplements
Published: 30/07/07
In their most recent experiments, Duke University Medical Center investigators demonstrated that exposure within the womb to bisphenol A (BPA), an mainstream chemical used in the production of plastics, caused noticeable changes in the offspring without altering any of the offspring's genes. Additionally, the researchers discovered that administration of folic acid or genistein, an active ingredient in soy (a phytoestrogen), during pregnancy protected the offspring from the negative effects of BPA.... full story
Eat Fish: Especially If You Drink High Levels of Alcohol
Published: 26/07/07
A new study has found that men who binge drink have substandard intake of one of the two types of essential fatty acids (EFAs) - the Omega-3 faty acids, and this indicates poor dietary choices with negative long-term health consequences. EFAs also have many biological functions, and a lack of them leads to loss of growth and development, infertility, and a host of physiological and biochemical abnormalities.... full story
Metabolic Defect In Liver Can Lead To Obesity
Published: 24/07/07
Researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Centre USA, have identified a genetically-transmitted metabolic defect that can lead to obesity in some individuals. The defect involves decreased production of liver enzymes needed to burn fat and may help to explain why some people become obese while others remain thin.... full story (PDF)
Soft drinks (diet and regular) related to increased heart disease risk
Published: 23/07/07
The Framingham Heart Study conducted through the University of Boston has discovered that any regular soft drink consumption (regular or diet) of at least one can/bottle per day, is associated with with an increased risk for heart disease. The study concluded that it was not just sweetened soda that had negative implications for heart disease, the diet sodas also had this risk... full story
Teen diets can hurt their lungs
Published: 19/07/07
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) have found that a low intake of fruit, vegetables and oily fish (such as salmon) in teenagers is related to lung conditions such as asthma, wheezing, coughing and bronchitis. Around 20% of the children under 18 who were studied, suffered from these lung conditions also had a low intake of fruit, vegetables and oily fish ... full story
Goat's milk more beneficial to health than cow's milk
Published: 18/07/07
Researchers at the University of Granada have discovered that goat's milk has more beneficial health effects compared to cow's milk. Their study showed that it helped to prevent
ferropenic anaemia (iron deficiency anaemia), bone demineralisation (softening of the bones) and enabled better utilisation and absorbtion of minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium ... full story
Vitamin D Deficiency: Common And Problematic Yet Preventable
Published: 18/07/07
In a review article to appear in the July 19th issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Michael Holick, an internationally recognized expert in vitamin D, provides an overview of his pioneering work that describes the important role vitamin D plays in a wide variety of chronic health conditions, as well as suggesting strategies for the prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency (common in children and adults), which is wholly preventable. People get vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, diet and supplements.... full story
Link Between Food Craving, Type of Craving and Weight Management
Published: 17/07/07
Accepting food cravings and keeping them in check may be an important component of weight management, according to findings from the first six-month phase of a calorie-restriction study conducted at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HNRCA) at Tufts University. Supplemental results from the Comprehensive Assessment of the Long-term Effects of Restricting Intake of Energy (CALERIE) trial provide new insights into food cravings, specific types of foods craved, and their role in weight control.... full story
Exceeding '5-a-day' Guidelines for Veggie, Fruit Consumption Does Not Lower Breast Cancer Recurrence Rates
Published: 17/07/07
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found that eating double the amount of veggies and fruits recommended by general dietary guidelines doesn’t reduce the likelihood of breast cancer recurrence among women whose cancers were treated at an early stage of the disease... full story
Low Glycaemic Index Diets The Most Successful In Fighting Obesity
Published: 17/07/07
In an analysis of six clinical trials, Australian researchers at the University of Sydney and Children's Hospital at Westmead found that diets based on the glycemic index were generally effective at helping overweight and obese adults lose weight in the short term. In addition to this, these low-glycemic index diets seemed to work somewhat better than traditional calorie- and fat-conscious weight-loss plans of the past.... full story
Adding Folic Acid To Flour Significantly Reduces Congenital Malformations
Published: 14/07/07
A study led by Dr. Philippe De Wals of Université Laval's Department of Social and Preventive Medicine clearly shows that the addition of folic acid to flours has led to a 46% drop in the incidence of congenital neural tube deformation (mainly anencephaly and spina bifida) in Canada. Such deformations either result in the child's death or in major health problems, including physical and learning disabilities. Dr. De Wals's work as head of a team of a dozen Canadian researchers appears today in the New England Journal of Medicine.... full story