All About Nutrition

Nutrition Questions

Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Lesa Rusher, who is our resident naturopathic expert and who is available to answer questions about nutrition and health.

Lesa Rusher is a qualified naturopath with a thriving business in Canberra, Australia and has a wealth of experience treating clients on a variety of health issues. Lesa Rusher's full credentials can be found in our experts area.

Lesa Rusher will answer your nutrition-related questions.

Q: The tolerable upper level for leucine is listed as 170-1100 mg.

What does this mean and why is the range so wide? Does it mean 170-1100 mg per kilogram of body weight or is this just 170-1100mg in total?


A: Leucine does not have an official tolerable upper limit.

The tolerable upper limit range covers children to adults and that is the reason it is such a wide range. The tolerable upper limit is an approximate level for children (at the lower end) to adults (at the higher end).

To determine if you or your child requires any extra leucine, you need to discuss this with your doctor or registered dietician, who can advise you on the best way to do this.

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using supplements in your healing process.


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