All About Nutrition

Nutrition Questions and Answers

Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Lesa Rusher, who is our resident naturopathic expert and who is available to answer questions about nutrition and health.

Lesa Rusher is a qualified naturopath with a thriving business in Canberra, Australia and has a wealth of experience treating clients on a variety of health issues. Lesa Rusher's full credentials can be found in our experts area.

Lesa Rusher will answer your nutrition-related questions.

Q: If I am a strict vegetarian almost vegan then what can cause high production of eostrogen and how do I balance this through foods - ie vegetarian food?


A: Foods that have an eostrogenic effect are as follows:

As far as balancing your hormones with foods, requires some more information from you. I would suggest to have your personal diet analysed by a nutritionist/naturopath in your area. If you are almost vegan now, and plan on cutting out eostrogenic foods, your diet will be too restricted and you risk malnutrition. Traditionally speaking, everything in moderation is actually a wise choice.

Herbal medicine is of greatest value when hormones are out of balance. Wild Yam and Chaste Tree are the herbs which would alter a high eostrogen level in the body as they have an affect on progesterone levels. Wild Yam cream is easy to apply to the inner thighs as part of the daily routine.

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using supplements in your healing process.


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