All About Nutrition

Nutrition Questions

Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Lesa Rusher, who is our resident naturopathic expert and who is available to answer questions about nutrition and health.

Lesa Rusher is a qualified naturopath with a thriving business in Canberra, Australia and has a wealth of experience treating clients on a variety of health issues. Lesa Rusher's full credentials can be found in our experts area.

Lesa Rusher will answer your nutrition-related questions.

Q: I am a 54yr old female with a sedentary lifestyle and work as a driver 7 days on 7 days off, with 12 hour shifts on alternating days and nights.

I weigh 107kg and am 170cm tall.

Would you recommend the "Lite'n'Easy" program for me? If so how many calories should I be on?


A: The best way to achieve weight loss and a healthier body is through a combined dietary plan together with an exercise program. It is difficult to achieve long term weight loss through just a restricted diet alone.

There are a number of diet programs that are available to try and the "Lite'n'Easy" diet program is one which provides a restricted calorie intake for people who wish to lose weight, through portion controlled breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as protein shakes and other snack food items.

These diet programs can work to help you lose weight, but they must be strictly monitored, so that you do not exceed the calorie intake in order to lose weight.

Exercise should play an important part in everyone's life. You should try to aim to walk for about 30 minutes almost every day. If you cannot make extra time after or before work, then try to park your car further away from your workplace, so that you have to walk to get there - this may help to provide some of the recommended daily exercise.

The range of calories you need to consume on a daily basis, are as follows:

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using supplements in your healing process.


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