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Heart Health Questions and Answers

Lisa Nelson - Heart Health and Weight Loss ExpertVital Health Zone is proud to announce Lisa Nelson, who is our resident heart health and weight loss expert and who is available to answer questions about heart health and weight loss.

Lisa has a private practice and is available for distance consultation, via telephone or email, as well as consultation at her practice.

Lisa answers all your heart health and weight loss questions below:


Q: I have tried numerous diets, but every time I lose weight, I just quit and put the weight back on.

I realize that I need to lose weight because it is affecting my health - my question is: the more I think about how much I need to lose weight and the more I think about all the food I cant eat, the more I eat. Can you tell me why that happens to me?


A: From the little bit you've shared in your question, I believe your issue has more to do with your "relationship" with food versus finding the right diet.

Let me just give you a brief example:

If you know you have to say goodbye to a close friend, as D-day approaches you spend more and more time with them dreading the day you have to say goodbye. A similar response happens for many individuals when they think about going on a diet. You obsess about the food. In this situation you'd benefit from the help of an psychologist/emotional eating expert. I'd recommend you check out Dr. Melissa McCreery's site at and consider contacting her for assistance so you can move past this and achieve long term weight loss.

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using supplements in your healing process.


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