All About Fitness

Exercise and Fitness: Questions & Answers

Gina Jackson - Fitness Trainer
Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Gina Jackson, who is our resident exercise and fitness expert and who is available to answer all your questions about exercising and fitness. Gina has a private practice and is available for consultation.

Gina answers all your exercise and fitness questions below:

Q: I'm a 38 years old woman, 5"6 tall and 140 pounds. I have a small frame and I'd like to weigh between 120-125 pounds before I get pregnant. I've been working out 5-7 days a week for a couple of years now - I speed walk on my treadmill with incline and also lift 3 pound weights around 15 minutes per day.

I drink Vega shakes in the morning or cereal and a banana, I eat a soy bar at lunch, a 100 calorie granola bar at snack-time, lots of spring water and eat a small portion of fish or chicken with big salad for dinner and a probiotic yogurt with fruits and nuts for dessert. During the week I only eat whole pasta and breads, but not very often.

I have not lost any weight but look a lot firmer.

What am I doing wrong? What must I eat and what exercises do I need to do in order to lose 15 pounds? How long will it take to lose the weight?


A: You ask a very good question.

The scope of your question (what you need to eat every day and how much and what type of exercise you need to do each day) is too big for this question forum, so I would suggest you see a registered dietician or a qualified personal trainer who can help to devise a diet program tailored just for you, to help you lose the weight and eat better.

You can use the recommended calorie intake calculator to help you determine if your calorie intake is at the recommended level.


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