All About Fitness

Exercise and Fitness: Questions & Answers

Gina Jackson - Fitness Trainer
Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Gina Jackson, who is our resident exercise and fitness expert and who is available to answer all your questions about exercising and fitness. Gina has a private practice and is available for consultation.

Gina answers all your exercise and fitness questions below:

Q: I have a fairly regimented fitness program including weights and cardio (which involves a fair bit of running) and abdominal exercises. I am a fairly fit and active person, but I have a small amount of fat on my lower stomach area that I simply cannot shift.

Can you help?


A: It almost sounds like you are stuck in an exercise rut.

Cross- training with alternate exercise disciplines (pilates and yoga)
which focus on core muscles will fire up your metabolism and abdominals significantly.

If you keep doing the same old things, you will always have the same old results.  Challenging the body with new and different exercises will recruit new and different muscles - deep muscles of the transverse abdominals - in this case.

Also, you need to work out with a qualified fitness teacher/trainer that can provide consistent feedback on form, control and execution.


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