All About Chinese Medicine

Understanding Chinese Medicine & Qi Gong

Kay Hutchinson - Chinese Medicine Expert
Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Kay Hutchinson, who is our resident chinese medicine and qi gong expert and who is available to answer all your questions about chinese medicine and alternative health.

Kay has a private practice and is available for distance consultation, via telephone or email.

Kay answers all your chinese medicine and qi gong questions below:

Q: Why are legumes part of the protein food groups?


A: Legumes (beans and peas) are considered to be part of the protein food group because they have a much higher content of protein than other vegetables and generally contain a number of the essential proteins (but not all of them) in adequate levels. Legumes can then be combined with grains, nuts or seeds to form a complete protein.

A complete protein is a food which contains all the 9 essential amino acids - all meats and meat products (eggs, dairy) are complete protein foods. The essential amino acids are required every day, as they cannot be produced by the body.

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using herbs in your healing process.

Contact Kay Hutchinson, CAMQ, CAMT at Aiki Healing today for a consultation for a custom herbal formulation.


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