All About Chinese Medicine

Understanding Chinese Medicine & Qi Gong

Kay Hutchinson - Chinese Medicine Expert
Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Kay Hutchinson, who is our resident chinese medicine and qi gong expert and who is available to answer all your questions about chinese medicine and alternative health.

Kay has a private practice and is available for distance consultation, via telephone or email.

Kay answers all your chinese medicine and qi gong questions below:

Q: I had a kidney/pancreas transplant 7 years ago and have what is called a "grumbling rejection" in the kidney. What can I take to prevent any further rejection and to keep my kidney healthy.

Many thanks.


A: Often times with multiple organ transplants, there are system wide weaknesses that occur that can impact the immune system. How these weaknesses manifest vary with each individual so it's impossible to suggest something specific without knowing the details of your unique manifestations.

It would be helpful if you could consult a local herbalist and ask them to assess the strength of your wei qi (immunity energies) and kidney energies - they would also need to assess the spleen/pancreas and liver energies too. Most likely, the herbalist would recommend herbs that have a tonic effect to gently strengthen the internal organs and also subdue over-reactive immunity symptoms that may play a role in the rejection of transplanted organs. A custom blend would be most desirable as it is a delicate balancing act to formulate herbs that will strengthen your internal organs but not over activate the immunity system.

I also would highly recommend gentle qi gong movement to gently strengthen the organs. The National Qi gong Association has a free DVD that you can view online. The movements are simple enough for anyone to perform. You can find that video here:

Also, the diet needs to be very light emphasizing low fat foods, low salt foods and plenty of whole grains, fresh vegetables steamed lightly and small amounts of protein such as organic chicken, lean beef, and fish.

May you find health and wellness,

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using herbs in your healing process.

Contact Kay Hutchinson, CAMQ, CAMT at Aiki Healing today for a consultation for a custom herbal formulation.


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