Nutrition Questions 2
Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Anastacia Sampson , who is our resident naturopathic expert and who is available to answer questions about nutrition and health.
Anastacia Sampson has a private practice and is available for consultation in a number of ways.
Anastacia Sampson will answer your nutrition-related questions.
- Eating sweets causes swollen glands and dehydration
- Is vanadium useful for managing type 2 diabetes?
- Why is enriched flour tortilla higher in fibre than whole wheat flour tortilla?
- Is deoxyribose a suitable supplement for reducing high blood sugar levels?
- Stressed, inflamed veins and at risk of stroke
- Is fresh garlic mixed with oil toxic if left to sit for a few days?
- Why do we crave sugar and sweet foods?
- What constitutes a balanced diet?
- Catering for peanut allergy in buffet dinner
- Struggling to eat the recommended serves of foods each day
- Do raw potatoes have the same calories and nutrients as cooked potatoes?
- Soccer player who feels weak during performance - what should he eat to get more energy?
- Nutrition and supplementation advice for vegan diet
- How to have good nutrition with a healthy diet on a limited budget?
- Will fibre affect the absorbtion of medications I take?
- How soon after over-eating do you gain weight?
- Can antibiotics cause any type of growth spurt?
- Does refridgerated food keep its nutritional value for long?
- Nutrition for newborn baby
- Suggestions to grow healthier, thicker hair
- What are possible side effects of weight loss supplements?
- What are some healthy alternatives to dairy milk?
- How much is too much vitamin B6?
- Is canned fish okay to eat while on a diet?
- How many calories per day for a teenager?
- Adrenal fatigue and always tired, premenopausal - what will help?
- How to get over the weight loss plateau and lose more weight?
Enjoy better health!