All About Nutrition

Nutrition Questions and Answers

Anastacia Sampson - Nutritional Medicine and Iridology ExpertVital Health Zone is proud to announce Anastacia Sampson , who is our resident naturopathic expert and who is available to answer questions about nutrition and health.

Anastacia Sampson has a private practice and is available for consultation in a number of ways.

Anastacia Sampson will answer your nutrition-related questions here.

Q: I am 48 yrs old today.

I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and I am always tired and think I am pre menopausal. I have sleep apnea, I am 35 lbs overweight and have premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).

Currently I am only taking a Vitamin D supplement because my Vitamin D levels are very low.

Can you please tell me what Vitamins you feel are very important for a woman my age with my current health.


Fruits and vegetablesA: Thank you for your email to Vital Health Zone.

Adrenal exhausting is an extremely tiring problem and to help you in that I would need to do a whole medical and life history with lifestyle factors being addressed. Some of the known risk factors for premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are similar to what leads to adrenal exhaustion.

I strongly advise that you take up some form of stress management exercise, such as yoga. Practice deep breathing. Avoid caffeine, tobacco (including second hand cigarette smoke) and alcohol as much as you can.

Follow a low GI (glycemic index) diet with ample whole grains. Naturally when you follow a whole grain (unprocessed) diet a person's weight usually comes to a healthy suitable range. Incorporating more soya based foods will supply you with natural estrogen to aid you in your hormonal transitional menopausal period.

As for supplements, please note these are general guidelines and as I do not know your full case history, I'm being general. Vitamin C and Vitamin B5 will be highly beneficial for cases of adrenal exhaustion. Magnesium is known to aid the muscle functions, which will support heart function. Try moderating all salt intake and by increasing fruit and vegetable intakes you beneficially increase potassium levels. 

I recommend that you try follow a natural based diet and incorporate a multi mineral and vitamin supplement into your diet. Adding extra vitamin C will be fine and some extra magnesium at standard doses should be supportive. 

You should consult with a relevant health care professional, who knows your full past and present case history, before taking any supplements. This protects you from possible interactions with any medication you may be on and any other possible consequences due to your unique state of health.

I wish you all the best and the team at Vital Health Zone is here for you anytime should you require further assistance in your quest for greater health.

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using supplements in your healing process.


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