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Heal Yourself with Forgiveness: How to
    Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes
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by Gini Grey




Introduction to forgiveness

Blaming yourself for mistakes doesn't help and only causes more pain. When you learn how to forgive yourself for past mistakes you free yourself so you can move forward.

Who hasn't said something that stung another, done something that made you cringe, or chose inaction in a case where action would have made a world of difference? No one can get through life without making mistakes, and one of the best ways to grow and evolve is by learning from mistakes. So why hold onto the painful past, when you can heal yourself with forgiveness?


How to forgive yourself

There are three important steps to follow in order to heal yourself with forgiveness: accepting yourself and the situation, having compassion, and understanding why the situation occurred so you can learn and grow.

    1. Acceptance
      Accepting what happened from a state of neutrality instead of judgment is essential. Healing can't happen from a place of resistance. Acceptance doesn't mean condoning what happened, it just means acknowledging what happened outside of a right/wrong or good/bad dichotomy.

      Self-acceptance is also important. Notice what it feels like to accept yourself. Now add on to that by saying: Even though I made this mistake, I accept myself.

      Let that feeling of acceptance flow through your body.

    2. Compassion
      To heal yourself with forgiveness it's important to have compassion. Look at the big picture of life to see how someone else in the same situation might have done the same thing. See how childhood wounds contributed, how your skill set and self-awareness at the time factored in, and how the surrounding circumstances played a role. Know that you did the best possible at the time.

    3. Understanding
      In order to forgive yourself for past mistakes it helps to understand why things happened the way they did. Sometimes mistakes happen for the sole purpose of learning and growth.

      Make a list of the lessons and benefits that arose from past mistakes – what were the self discoveries, what strengthened, what softened, how are you a better person today because of what happened?


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Experience forgiveness

Forgiveness isn't just an action, it's a feeling or a state of being, the way peacefulness is a feeling state. Being in the state of forgiveness is very healing as it supports the release of judgments, blame and anything that doesn't support your highest good.

Try this exercise as a way to tune into forgiveness.


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Heal yourself with forgiveness

Acceptance, compassion and understanding are all aspects of forgiveness. It's possible to heal any situation by being accepting, compassionate and understanding with self and others. Forgiveness releases blame, judgment, and resentment, which supports healing and freedom.


Author bio

Gini Grey - Spiritual Awareness and Personal Transformation ExpertGini Grey is a Transformational Coach and teacher, utilizing a powerful blend of coaching, counseling and spiritual energy tools. For more information visit her website at Celebrate YourSelf or for transformational articles visit Insights & Inspiration.

Gini Grey is an expert on the Vital Health Zone web site, so you can ask Gini a question about your own spiritual awareness or personal transformation for free.

Gini Grey - From Chaos to Calm (Book to purchase)Gini Grey - From Chaos to Calm (Book to purchase)

Gini Grey's writings include the book: “From Chaos to Calm” (which can be purchased from the link on the left) and the CD: “Create What You want In Your life”.


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  Last reviewed: 12 August 2009 || Last updated: 12 February 2010


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NOTE: Mega doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or other supplements cannot cure illnesses and in fact can be very dangerous and produce toxic side effects and interfere with medicine you are taking. Always ensure you consult your doctor before taking any type of nutrient supplement.
Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be used for diagnostic or prescriptive purposes. For any treatment or diagnosis of illness, please see your doctor.