Heal Depression and Anxiety by
Processing Feelings
by Kay Hutchinson
Denying feelings is unhealthy
Denying feelings can create stagnation emotionally and lead to states of depression and anxiety.
Use this handy checklist to assess if you are processing experiences in a way to avoid stagnation and depression and anxiety.
Checklist for healthy processing
Are you acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of a challenge?
Tip: Listen for the language of denial and depression that may include phrases such as “all is okay” or “everything is fine” when you’re not feeling okay or fine.
Also, listen for language that focuses only on the negative such as “Everything is all wrong.”
Ask yourself, what are all the feelings I am experiencing about this situation, person, or life change?
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Develop a variety of tools to process your feelings such as journalling.
Using collage art to represent the feelings. This method requires no art talent, just a willingness to express.
Exercise such as qi gong which has movements that address releasing certain emotions such as depression, anxiety, sadness, grief, or anger.
Visualize and meditate feelings: Imagine the anxiety or depression you are feeling as a leaf floating down a stream or river and drifting far out of sight.
A study released in the May 2008 edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychology reported that people who suffered with depression and participated in meditation and yoga classes experienced similar results as those who participated in group therapy.
Allow yourself down time to process. Sometimes people fill their days with hectic activity to avoid processing feelings or facing depression. Scheduling down time is a way of nourishing your body, mind and spirit to release anxiety or depression.
Allow your friends and family to support you. Often times, loved ones have no idea that you are going through difficulties if you put on a happy face.
Yes, be positive but also be willing to acknowledge that you are hurting or finding a situation challenging.
Allow yourself to seek professional help with a psychotherapist, counselor or life coach to gain new tools to deal with the challenges in your life.
For additional strategies for healing depression and anxiety by processing your feelings, call Kay Hutchinson on (USA) 512.468.6588 or email her at info@aikihealing.com
Author bio
Kay Hutchinson is a Classical Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong practitioner, who consults with clients at her clinic in Texas, but she is also available for online consultations too.
Kay Hutchinson is an expert on the Vital Health Zone web site, so you can ask Kay a question about health from a Chinese medicine perspective for free.
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NOTE: Mega doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or other supplements cannot cure illnesses and in fact can be very dangerous and produce toxic side effects and interfere with medicine you are taking. Always ensure you consult your doctor before taking any type of nutrient supplement.
Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be used for diagnostic or prescriptive purposes. For any treatment or diagnosis of illness, please see your doctor.
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