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- What is ADHD?
- Symptoms of ADHD
- Causes of ADHD
- Prevention of ADHD
- Risk factors for ADHD
- Complications of ADHD
- When to see a doctor about ADHD
- Diagnosis of ADHD
- Conventional treatment of ADHD
- Alternative/complementary treatment of ADHD
- Living with ADHD
- Caring for someone with ADHD
Alternative / complementary treatment of ADHD
There is some controversy about the prescription of the conventional drug Ritalin (or other psychotropic medications) for ADHD, with alternative practitioners advocating natural therapies over conventional drugs. There are many studies which show certain supplements and foods help to reduce symptoms of ADHD and these therapies should be tried first before resorting to medication as a last resort.
The following are the treatments advocated by alternative therapists.
Vitamins, minerals and other supplements:
- Magnesium - studies show that children and adults with ADHD (especially if they have the following symptoms: fidgeting, anxiety, restlessness, poor motor coordination, learning difficulties) may be displaying symptoms of mild magnesium deficiency which are usually alleviated through magnesium supplementation; This is because magnesium is an excellent muscle relaxant and may greatly reduce the symptoms of some children and adults with certain symptoms of ADHD described above
- Essential fatty acids - numerous studies show that the essential fatty acids (especially omega-3 essential fatty acids) play an important role in regulating brain activity in children (and adults) with ADHD; studies have shown that children with ADHD greatly benefit from omega 3 EFA as many children and adults with ADHD could be either deficient in these essential fatty acids or may not be metabolising them properly and this could lead to a deficiency as well
- Zinc - this important mineral regulates essential fatty acids and the neurotransmitters activity in the body; some studies have shown that children with ADHD have a deficiency in zinc
- Iron - many children (and adults), especially females are deficient in iron, which may cause symptoms associated with ADHD; care should be made with supplementation as it is toxic in high doses to children and a blood test should be taken to determine blood iron and haemoglobin (as well as other levels of other nutrients) to determine if iron supplementation is necessary and required
- Vitamin B6 - this important vitamin is required as a precursor to many of the brains;' important neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin; one study showed that this vitamin was helpful for alleviating symptoms associated with nervousness and restlessness; other studies have confirmed these findings
- B Vitamins - not only should vitamin B6 be supplemented but also the rest of the other B vitamins too (B1-thiamin, B2-riboflavin, B3- niacin, B5-pantothenic acid, B12-cyanocobalamin) as well as the B vitamin co-factors (folic acid especially). The B vitamins assist with proper nerve activity and may assist with reducing some hyperactivity symptoms as well as detoxifying the body from any artificial additives that may have been eaten
- Vitamin C - may be especially required in children who have had chronic heavy metal (especially lead) exposure which can lead to an over stimulation of histamine in the brain. Vitamin C acts as a natural anti-histamine and can reduce some symptoms in some children with ADHD
Dietary modifications:
- Remove all processed foods - this includes all soft drinks, all canned and processed meats (from the deli), processed cheeses, instant soup, ice cream, toppings, puddings, cakes, pizza, take-away food
- Limit sugar intake - try to reduce sugar in the diet, which includes raw sugar added to tea and cereal and also the hidden sugar in most processed foods
- Remove all foods with artificial additives - studies now show that many artificial additives (colours, flavours and preservatives) could be responsible for many of the behavioural symptoms of children with ADHD and so should be totally banned from their diet. This includes all lollies (sweets), cakes, toppings, some cereals, snack bars
- Eat 5-6 smaller meals - a diet that consists of natural, unprocessed foods (without any artificial additives) and smaller meals may help the digestive system deal with any possible food allergies through the smaller meals which do not put as much stress on the digestive system as larger meals
Lifestyle modifications:
- Get adequate sleep - adequate and regular amounts of sleep, including a regular bedtime are vital to help a child (and adult) calm down and settle at bed time; it gives them a sense of stability and routine
- Get adequate exercise - getting adequate exercise is vital to help a child with ADHD who has abundant reserves of energy, burn up some of that energy so that they can sleep properly, calm down and relax. Some type of physical activity that the child can excel at is advisable on a daily basis
- Limit TV and computer time - too much time watching television or playing on the computer is not advised even for children without ADHD; for children with ADHD, both the television and the computer provide far too much sensory stimulation which is not advised, as they can only exacerbate symptoms
- Use occupational therapy - occupational therapists design programs that are aimed to cater to children with beahvioural and learning difficulties, such as those with ADHD. A referral to a good occupational therapist can be obtained either through your family doctor or through a local health centre. The types of activities that occupational therapists use are: spinning nets, wool or twine onto something in one direction and then unravelling it again (care needs to be taken with some children who may get dizzy from this activity); touching different types of textures and asking the child to try to remember and identify the texture again, just ensure movements are long and slow; trampolining is a perfect activity for a child with ADHD, as it allows them to expend their energy in a safe manner and it also helps stimulate their vestibular system, aim for about 10 minute a day; puzzles, mazes, tracing, colouring in, cutting out shapes; card games, playing Simon says, memory games
- Reduce stress in the home - this one may be a little difficult to achieve, especially if stress in the home is unavoidable; parents should thought, keep in mind that children with ADHD especially, pick up on the sensory (unspoken) information around them and if the stress and tension continues without abate, it can cause the child to play up even more
Alternative treatments:
- Naturopath - children with ADHD will benefit from a visit to a naturopath who can analyse their symptoms, recommend an elimination diet, provide nutritional supplements and monitor progress. Parents who take their child to a naturopath must advise their doctor to ensure it does not conflict with any medications the child is taking
Always ensure that you notify your medical practitioner of any supplements that you want to take - it may interfere with other medication or conditions you have. Confirm with your doctor it is safe to take BEFORE you try it.
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< 9: treatment of ADHD 11: living with ADHD >