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Symptoms of ADHD
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Symptoms of ADHD

Symptoms for ADHD are divided into two areas, with some people having predominantly one type of symptom over the other and some have a combination of all symptoms. Symptoms of impulsiveness and hyperactivity often precede those of inattention.

Symptoms need to be present for over 6 months before this condition can be diagnosed, as many other conditions can can also have some of the same symptoms.

Inattention symptoms

Hyperactivity (or impulsiveness) symptoms


In addition to this, children with ADHD have other symptoms associated with this condition:

Hypersensitive senses

With exaggerated senses, children with ADHD are very sensitive and all their senses are far more heightened than other children:

Spatial awareness issues

Children with ADHD often have problems with coordination and balance and this is thought to be due to a faulty vestibular system.

High intelligence

Children with ADHD are often highly intelligent who need this intelligence to be brought out, by the use of appropriate teaching methods. Children with ADHD are very visual and tactile and these traits need to be utilised in order to inspire them and get their attention, because if they feel that they do not understand the activity they tend to get very frustrated and switch off, giving the inaccurate impression they are slow learners.


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Sections: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

  < 1: what is ADHD                                                 3: causes of ADHD >

  Last reviewed: 7 October 2007 || Last updated: 3 January 2009


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NOTE: Mega doses of any type of vitamin, mineral, amino acid or herbal supplement cannot cure illnesses and in fact can be very dangerous and produce toxic side effects and interfere with medicine you are taking. Always ensure you consult your doctor before taking any type of complementary supplements.
Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be used for diagnostic or prescriptive purposes. For any treatment or diagnosis of illness, please see your doctor.


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