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- What is AIDS?
- Symptoms of AIDS
- Causes of AIDS
- Prevention of AIDS
- Risk factors for AIDS
- Complications of AIDS
- When to see a doctor about AIDS
- Diagnosis of AIDS
- Conventional treatment of AIDS
- Alternative/complementary treatment of AIDS
- Living with AIDS
- Caring for someone with AIDS
Alternative / complementary treatment of AIDS
People who have AIDS (or even HIV) must talk to their doctor about any alternative / complementary strategies that they are thinking about undertaking, before doing so. Your doctor will be in the best position to advise you if these strategies will help you. Vitamins, herbs, minerals and other nutrients can have major adverse effects if taken in combination with some medications - so always be careful and get advice from your doctor before taking them.
Use these strategies here as a guide and work with your doctor (and possibly alternative health specialist) to find the best combination of medication and alternative/complementary therapy that can work the best for you.
At present, there is no cure for AIDS/HIV.
Certain herbs have been reported to have some anti-HIV effects, by killing off the HIV and so preventing AIDS from developing:
- Echinacea (echinacea purpurea) - this herb has known anti-viral activity (improving immunity), but there is some controversy with its use in people with HIV infections. Some studies show that echinacea significantly enhanced natural killer (NK) cells, which carry out the immune system's most potent immunity function - to kill any harmful viruses or bacteria so that they cannot damage the body. These studies also showed that echinacea enhanced cellular immune function in people with AIDS. On study showed that echincea weakened the immune system, which is not beneficial for people with AIDS, who have an already compromised immune system, but this study was the only one which showed this result. Another study has shown that long term use of echinacea did not provide positive results
- St John's Wort (hypericum perforatum) - studies show that this herb shows some anti-viral properties and in particular, it has been shown to have anti-HIV activity (against the HIV-1 virus), which is a promising start, but more studies need to be done to confirm this and to determine how to use these results in a way that is beneficial for people with AIDS/HIV. People taking any type of anti-retroviral medications should not try to also take St John's Wort at the same time, as this combination may lower the immune system response, which may make systems worse and may cause disease progression to worsen as well
- St Mary's Thistle (Silybum marianum) - silymarin, the active component in the herb St Mary's Thistle has been shown in many studies to have a beneficial effect on the liver, by protecting it from damage. St Mary's Thistle is generally regarded as being quite safe to take as it helps the liver to function better and more effectively helps the liver detoxify to reduce damage and disease (in the liver). This herb could be especially beneficial for people with AIDS as many of the anti-retroviral medications prescribed may damage the liver, especially since these medications need to be taken over a long term. People who are taking any anti-retroviral medications should discuss supplementation with this herb with their doctor, to ensure it is safe to do so
There are a number of vitamins which have a beneficial effect in supporting the immune system and helping to reduce symptoms associated with AIDS:
- Bioflavonoids - the vitamins bioflavonoids have potent antioxidant properties and support all the excellent immune function that vitamin C performs
- Folic acid - studies show that people with HIV / AIDS have lowered folic acid levels, which is important, because folic acid is important in ensuring proper cell growth, proper red blood cell formation and healthy DNA - and these are not normal in people with HIV / AIDS
- Vitamin A - studies have shown that a deficiency of vitamin A can lead to much lowered levels of helper T cells and CD4 cells (these are white blood cells important in immunity and especially in AIDS) and supplementation of vitamin A increases the levels of helper T cells back to normal levels. Studies have also shown that supplementation with vitamin A can reduce the severity of HIV infection, reduce symptoms and prolong life
- Vitamin B3 (niacin) - studies show that vitamin B3 helps to decrease or inhibit HIV replication in cells of people infected
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - studies show that vitamin B5 is important in helping the body to relax (it is known as the "anti-stress vitamin) and this helps to support the body by reducing stress levels and reducing exacerbation of symptoms
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - is required to enable the nervous system to function properly, to help with proper protein absorption and to enable certain enzymes to function properly
- Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - many studies show that vitamin B12 helps to decrease or inhibit HIV replication in cells of people infected
- Vitamin C - studies show that vitamin C deficiency is associated with defective T lymphocyte activity (important in AIDS) and this is reverse when adequate levels of vitamin C are supplemented. Studies also show that ascorbic acid can prevent HIV reproduction in healthy and unhealthy cells, which have been either stimulated or unstimulated in some way
- Vitamin E - studies show the antioxidant vitamin E has a direct anti-viral effect on retro-viruses such as HIV, which means it can help reduce the replication of this virus in the body and prevent progression to AIDS (very high levels of vitamin E - over 1200IU per day - can depress the immune function, so it should be taken only as instructed)
There are a number of minerals which have a beneficial effect in supporting the immune system and helping to reduce symptoms associated with AIDS:
- Selenium - studies show that AIDS patients have very low blood levels of selenium and in fact, the lower the levels of selenium, the higher the death rate from AIDS. Selenium is an antioxidant mineral which is very important in stimulating the immune system to function properly and recent studies have shown that selenium prevents replication of HIV in the cells
- Zinc - studies show that blood levels of zinc are very low in AIDS patients. Zinc deficiency can prevent the white blood cells from acquiring immunity from viruses and in fact, mice with zinc deficiency show a lack of the helper T cells (important in ADS) that is reverse when zinc is supplemented. Zinc also plays an important role in the creation of PEG1, a protein which regulates the immune system. Zinc is an antioxidant mineral which is very important in stimulating the immune system to function properly and it also enables the body to heal more quickly from any infection
Other nutrients
A number of other nutrients are recommended for people with AIDS to help support body function, reduce the effect of the disease and increase proper immune function:
- Acidophilus - the probiotic in acidophilus are the first line of defence in the immune system, as the help to ensure the bacteria in the gastrointestinal system are at normal levels
- Carnitine - the amino acid-like nutrient carnitine has potent antioxidant properties which can help to support the immune system in fighting the infection caused by HIV and prevent more opportunistic illnesses through AIDS. Carnitine also improves memory by increasing the amount of acetylcholine available to the brain
- Coenzyme Q10 - the nutrient co-enzyme Q10 enhance the immune function of the white blood cells and it also helps to ensure a proper ratio of the T4:T8 cells (these are white blood cells associated with immune function). In addition to this, co-enzyme Q10 also supports mitochondrial function, improves cellular detoxification and improves energy levels
- Cysteine - in the form of N-acetyl cysteine is a potent antioxidant, which helps to support the immune system through its anti-viral properties
- Essential fatty acids - the essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) have very potent anti-inflammatory properties which can assist the body when it has an HIV infection progressing to AIDS. The most potent ones are EPA and DHA from omega-3 fatty acids and GLA from omega-6 fatty acids
- Garlic - the herb garlic has well known anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and can help to support the body of a person infected with the HIV and can help to prevent opportunistic viruses and bacteria from invading the body. Garlic is best used in meals, fresh or cooked, but if this is not well tolerated, supplements can be used
- Glucosamine - the nutrient glucosamine has very potent antioxidant properties and studies show that it has anti-viral effects, which can prevent retrovirus from replicating
- Glutathione - the amino acid glutathione has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, which may help support the body that is infected with HIV to deal with the inflammatory processes associated with the infection. Studies show that low levels of glutathione in the body are associated with poor survival rates
- Lecithin - studies have shown that lecithin inhibits the growth and replication of cells infected with HIV. Lecithin also blocks the infected cells from becoming further infected with opportunistic bacteria and causing further physical deterioration. Phosphatidyl choline has also been used to demonstrate the same results. An excellent source of lecithin (or choline) is raw egg yolks (another great source is soy, but ensure it is GM free)
- Lipoic acid - the nutrient lipoic acid is one of the best antioxidants known to man, as it greatly helps to boost the function of other antioxidant vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in the body to help the immune system better prevent infection and illness
- Methionine - the amino acid methionine is an excellent liver detoxifier and may be beneficial to some AIDS patients to help reduce the toxicity of the anti-retroviral medications they are taking (seek advice before taking it for this purpose)
- Quercetin - studies show the antioxidant quercetin prevents retro-viruses (such as HIV) from replicating and taking over the body and causing AIDS
- Tryptophan - the amino acid tryptophan is required to produce vitamin B3 (niacin), which in turn helps to decrease or inhibit HIV replication in cells of people infected with this virus. Tryptophan is also a precursor of serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter that regulates mood (and helps people better deal with stress)
Dietary modifications:
- Eat 5-6 smaller meals - a diet that consists of natural, unprocessed foods (without any artificial additives) and smaller meals may help the digestive system deal more easily with food ingested as the smaller meals do not put as much stress on the digestive system as larger meals
- Eat more red fish - fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, trout are all excellent fish to eat at least three meals a week. These fish all contain higher levels of the omega-3 essential fatty acids that are beneficial in reducing inflammation in the body and which may be especially needed when there is an HIV infection that is progressing to AIDS
- Eat more yoghurt - ensure the yoghurt contains live probiotic cultures (acidophilus) as this will help to stimulate the digestive system to have a more balanced level of bacteria, which can reduce digestive problems
- Increase intake of leafy green vegetables - these vegetables especially (kale, spinach, collard greens) all contain a higher percentage of potent antioxidants which have immune stimulating effects and can help support immune function
- Limit meat intake - red meat is acidic in the body and can further exacerbate symptoms. It is preferable to have a more alkaline diet, which does not include high intake of meats and meat products
- Limit sugar intake - try to reduce sugar in the diet, which includes raw sugar added to tea and cereal and also the hidden sugar in most processed foods
- Remove all processed foods - this includes all soft drinks, all canned and processed meats (from the deli), processed cheeses, instant soup, ice cream, toppings, puddings, cakes, pizza, take-away food
- Remove all foods with artificial additives - artificial additives (colours, flavours, preservatives) are not beneficial in a healthy person's diet, but in someone sick with AIDS, can cause more pressure on the body to get rid of these chemicals when the body already has enough to deal with
- Try some mushrooms - certain mushroom especially, have very potent anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and some studies have shown some promising results in reducing virus replication. The most beneficial mushrooms that have shown these results are: shiitake, reishi, maitake
Lifestyle modifications:
- Get adequate sleep - adequate and regular amounts of sleep, including a regular bedtime are vital in helping to support the body undertake its repair and regeneration, which normally happens in deep sleep
- Get adequate exercise - people infected with HIV or have AIDS are recommended to exercise as much as their illness allows (at least 30 minutes most days of the week). Some people will be able to exercise for longer - it depends entirely on the individual and the state of their health and progression of the disease
- Meditation - many people report this has a very beneficial effect on their symptoms and quality of life; studies are in progress to determine how and if meditation has any effects on the immune system of people infected with HIV
- Reduce stress - elevated levels of the stress hormones, especially when people are under constant and prolonged stress can have an adverse effect on the body as excessive stress can exacerbate any health condition and can reduce immunity to general infections (such as bacterial or other viral)
- Yoga - many people with AIDS report reduction in symptoms and better quality of life from all forms of this exercise and meditation technique from the east
Alternative treatments
- Naturopath - a qualified naturopath may be able to help find a complimentary and alternative treatment regime that works well alongside any conventional medications being taken, to help reduce side effects of the anti-retroviral medications, to reduce further symptoms of the disease and to reduce worsening progression of the disease. Always seek a doctor's advice before trying any type of alternative medication as the combination may be harmful (and even fatal)
Always ensure that you notify your medical practitioner of any supplements that you want to take - it may interfere with other medication or conditions you have. Confirm with your doctor it is safe to take BEFORE you try it.
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< 9: treatment of AIDS 11: living with AIDS >