Latest Health News - Archive 6
Survivors of Rare Ovarian Cancer Retain Fertility, Have Positive Relationships, Study Finds
Published: 29/06/07
According to the largest and most comprehensive survey of survivors of ovarian cancer ever conducted, women who were treated with platinum-based chemotherapy and fertility-sparing surgery are likely to retain their menstrual function and reproductive ability after their treatment for ovarian cancer... full story
Papworth Breathing Technique Could Improve Asthma Symptoms
Published: 28/06/07
according to researchers at University College London, people with asthma could greatly benefit from the Papworth Breathing Technique, which is an old-fashioned breathing and relaxation technique, that helps with reducing symptoms and relaxing the sufferer. Researcher advised that sthma medication must still be taken by the asthma patient even if they are trying this breathing technique.... full story
Reduced Lung Function Linked to Cardiovascular Disease by Inflammation
Published: 28/06/07
Researchers at Otago University NZ have discovered that people who have reduced lung capacity (due to any lung disease) may have a greater risk of heart attack and stroke because they show evidence of systemic inflammation... full story
New Study Finds Non-Smoking Workers Absorb Potent Carcinogen When Exposed to Secondhand Smoke
Published: 28/06/07
A new study conducted in Oregon USA, by the Multnomah County Health Department and Oregon Department of Human Services, involved 52 nonsmoking employees from restaurants and bars in communities where smoking was still permitted in such establishments and 32 nonsmoking bar and restaurant employees where smoking is prohibited by local laws. The study found that employees who worked in establishments where smoking was permitted were significantly more likely to have detectable levels of the carcinogen NNK, which is known to cause lung cancer and is found in the body only as a result of using tobacco or breathing secondhand smoke. Elevated levels of NNK showed up in the urine of nonsmoking employees shortly after they encountered secondhand smoke during their shifts and levels of NNK increased by six percent for each hour of work. According to the researchers, this is the first study to show increases in NNK as a result of brief workplace exposure. This study provides powerful new evidence that secondhand smoke in the workplace is an unacceptable health hazard and underscores why governments around the world must enact comprehensive smoke-free laws that protect all workers and the public. The new study finds that nonsmoking restaurant and bar employees absorb a potent, tobacco-specific carcinogen when exposed to secondhand smoke in the workplace. It also finds that levels of this powerful carcinogen continue to increase the longer the employee works in a place where smoking is permitted.... full story
Exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells
Published: 27/06/07
Research by the Karolinksa Institute Sweden has discovered how exercise has a similar effect to antidepressants on depression. This study confirmed previous research and explains how exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells. The results of the study show that both exercise and antidepressants increase the formation of new cells in an area of the brain that is important to memory and learning. The study shows that exercise can have an antidepressant effect in people who have mild to moderately severe depression. The study also showed that exercise is a very good complement to conventional anti-depressant medication.... full story
SSRI Antidepressants Do Not Pose Major Birth Defect Risk
Published: 27/06/07
Researchers from Boston University’s Slone Epidemiology Center have found that certain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) antidepressants do not seem to increase the risk for most kinds of birth defects. The findings suggests that individual SSRIs may increase the risk for some specific defects, but these are rare and the absolute risks are small.... full story
Frequent Brain Stimulation In Old Age Reduces Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease
Published: 27/06/07
According to a study conducted by the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago USA, the frequence that older people read a newspaper, play chess, or engage in other mentally stimulating activities is related to risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The study showed that the more older people kept their brain active, the less likely they are to develop Alzheimer's disease.... full story
First Study Transplanting Angina Patients' Purified Stem Cells Shows Safety and Symptom Relief
Published: 26/06/07
The first US study to transplant a potent form of purified adult stem cells into the heart muscle of patients with severe angina provided evidence that the procedure is safe and produced a reduction in angina pain as well as improved functioning in patients' daily lives. The study was conducted by researchers at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago USA..... full story
Scientists Find a Link Between Antidepressant Use and Bone Loss
Published: 25/06/07
According to scientists at Oregon Health & Science University, and in San Francisco, Minneapolis, San Diego and Pittsburgh, elderly men taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a class of antidepressants that includes Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft had lower bone mineral density, and that elderly women taking the antidepressants also had a higher rate of yearly bone loss. According to the two new studies, this suggest older men and women taking SSRIs, are more prone to increased bone loss.... full story
Keep a Cool Head on Hot, Humid Days to Avoid Heat Stroke
Published: 18/06/07
Keeping cool on hot, humid summer days is good advice for more reasons than sheer comfort. It’s vital for good health – even staying alive. That’s the message from the Pennsylvania Medical Society, warning young and old alike that heat stroke is a deadly illness to be avoided at all costs – even if it means sacrificing a day at the beach or a late summer football game.... full story