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Latest Health News - Archive 4


Breast Cancers to be More Aggressive in African American Women
Published: 09/07/07
Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson in Philadelphia USA have discovered that African American women have more advanced breast cancer at the time of diagnosis than Caucasian women. In addition to this, African American women tend to have breast cancer tumor types that are more aggressive and generally have poorer survival prognoses .... full story


Blood Protein Offers Clues To Heart Attack In Seemingly Healthy People
Published: 08/07/07
Researchers have uncovered a new clue to the mystery of seemingly healthy people having a heart attack or be at high risk for heart disease. The reason for this susceptibility is due to a protein in the blood, which is secreted by white blood cells and that both signals inflammation and releases a bleach-like substance that damages the cardiovascular system... full story


Cancer-fighting virus shows promise in early clinical trial
Published: 07/07/07
At the ESMO Conference Lugano (ECLU), Switzerland, scientists revealed that a virus, whih has been specifically designed by to be safe to normal tissue but deadly to cancer is showing early promise in a preliminary study. The virus, a type of herpes simplex virus, was modified so that it selectively replicated in virus cells, killing them in the process.... full story



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Link Between Immune System and Mammary Gland Could Shed New Light on Breast Cancer
Published: 05/07/07
Researchers at the University of Cambridge UK have discovered an interesting link between a fundamental part of the immune system and the cells that produce milk in the breast during lactation. This research has significance in understanding breast cancer better and providing a better cure.... full story


Stanford Researchers Find Brain Pathway of Depression
Published: 05/07/07
Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered a unifying principle that could explain how a range of causes and treatments for depression converge. In a study of rats, scientists found that the differing mechanisms of depression and its treatment appear to funnel through a single brain circuit. According to the study, changes in how the electrical signals spread through a specific brain circuit appear to be the cause of depression-related behavior.... full story


Chronic Insomnia Can Lead To Anxiety And Depression
Published: 05/07/07
A large study conducted at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway was based on data collected from 25,130 adults from two general health surveys. The study found that those adults who had insomnia were at the highest risk of having anxiety disorders and depression. This study implicates that those people with chronic insomnia should also be examined for any type of anxiety disorders and also for depression and be treated for those too ... full story



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Poor Outcomes Follow Heart Surgery in Those Patients With Advanced Liver Cirrhosis
Published: 05/07/07
A new study by Mt Sinai Hospital, NY USA on the outcomes of heart surgery on patients with liver cirrhosis (liver disease) has determined that those patients with a mild form of the disease have a much better survival rate from the surgery than those patients with advanced liver disease... full story


Fat Kills Cancer: Turning Stem Cells Taken from Fat Tissue into Personalized, Cancer-Targeted Therapeutics
Published: 03/07/07
Researchers in Slovakia have been able to derive stem cells from specific fat tissue cells to turn them in personalised cancer-targeting little missiles. This gene therapy is a new way to approach the fight against cancer and in particular have been studied in removing small, malignant tumours... full story


Gene Variations Directly Link Inflammation to an Increased Risk for Lung Cancer
Published: 03/07/07
A study published by a team of scientists from the USA National Cancer Institute and the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Centre USA have discovered that variations in two genes relating to inflammation may be a major risk factor for developing lung cancer. The research also showed that the effect of the gene variation is stronger on the heaviest smokers... full story


Harnessing the Power of the Immune System to Fight Cancer
Published: 03/07/07
A team of scientists in the USA, led by McMasters University, will be researching the power of the immune system to enable it to find and destroy cancer cells will be accelerated through the funding of a new Cancer Immunotherapy Program being launched with $3.5 million in funding from the Terry Fox Foundation through the National Cancer Institute of Canada. Recent and ongoing research has shown that the immune system, when trained, has the ability to attack and destroy cancerous tissue and become healthy again .... full story

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