All About Womens Health

Reducing the Risk of Miscarriage
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Miscarriage definitions

Some definitions about the types of miscarriage:


Miscarriage facts

There is a lot of misinformation about miscarriage and this section hopes to dispel some of them. Women who do miscarry, often feel scared, fearful, sad and confused about it, which are all normal emotions to experience in that situation.

Miscarriage is very common in pregnancy and women may not realise it unless it happens to them:


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Why miscarriage happens

Miscarriage mostly occurs when the body detects that the foetus is chromosomally abnormal, would not last to be born alive and the pregnancy is totally unviable. Chromosomal abnormalities are responsible for about 65% of all miscarriages. These types of miscarriages are not preventable and are simply a way of getting rid of an unviable foetus.

Other reasons for miscarriage include:

Another possible reason for preventable miscarriage, which evidence is only starting to emerge as a possible cause, is due to certain chemicals which can affect the foetus. These chemicals are:

Emerging evidence from a number of studies is starting to suggest that exposure to these chemicals can precipitate miscarriage or even birth defects because they affect the hormones in an adverse way (they are called endocrine disrupters) and so can have a devastating effect on the unborn foetus.


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Risk factors for miscarriage

There are several well known risk factors for miscarriage (which are not preventable):

There are also a number of well known risk factors that are preventable:


Recurrent miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage is defined as miscarriage that occurs more than once. Some women repeatedly miscarry on numerous occasions. If a woman miscarries on one occasion, there is no guarantee that she will not miscarry again and again. Conversely, there are cases of women who have miscarried several times and then who go on to have a completely normal pregnancy, producing a healthy baby.

Two of the most common reasons for recurrent miscarriage (in addition to the ones above) are:

Another possible reason for multiple, recurrent miscarriage could be the exposure to the endocrine disrupter chemicals - bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates. Since many women are exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis, this could mean that they are exposing their unborn foetus to these chemicals that are disrupting the natural hormonal processes (hormone imbalance is a known risk factor for miscarriage), which could result in miscarriage. This research is only just emerging and more research needs to be completed to confirm this.


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Miscarriage warning signs

There are several warning signs which generally present when a woman is about to miscarry the unborn foetus:


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Avoiding miscarriage

As miscarriage is for the most part, nature's way of ensuring the baby is born healthy and viable, this means that most of the time, miscarriage is generally unpreventable.

Some women may feel guilty about having a miscarriage, but they should know that there is little that they could have done to prevent the miscarriage. In general, if a miscarriage is going it happen, it will happen because the pregnancy was unlikely to be viable.

There are some strategies that women can use to help reduce the risks of miscarriage:


What to do if miscarriage is suspected

If you experience any of the symptoms of miscarriage or have any concerns, seek immediate medical treatment at your local hospital.

If the bleeding is really severe or pain is very bad, call an ambulance immediately.


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  Last reviewed: 20 August 2008 || Last updated: 21 June 2009


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NOTE: Mega doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or other supplements cannot cure illnesses and in fact can be very dangerous and produce toxic side effects and interfere with medicine you are taking. Always ensure you consult your doctor before taking any type of nutrient supplement.
Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be used for diagnostic or prescriptive purposes. For any treatment or diagnosis of illness, please see your doctor.