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for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_xml['URL']); $i++) {
if( isset($arr_xml['PostID'][$i]) && $arr_xml['PostID'][$i] > 0 ) continue;
echo "
".$arr_xml['BeforeText'][$i]." ".$arr_xml['Text'][$i]." ".$arr_xml['AfterText'][$i]."\n";
echo "";
function tla_updateLocalXML($url, $file, $time_out)
if($handle = fopen($file, "a")){
fwrite($handle, "\n");
if($xml = file_get_contents_tla($url, $time_out)) {
$xml = substr($xml, strpos($xml,''));
if ($handle = fopen($file, "w")) {
fwrite($handle, $xml);
function tla_getLocalXML($file)
$contents = "";
if($handle = fopen($file, "r")){
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($file)+1);
return $contents;
function file_get_contents_tla($url, $time_out)
$result = "";
$url = parse_url($url);
if ($handle = @fsockopen ($url["host"], 80)) {
if(function_exists("socket_set_timeout")) {
} else if(function_exists("stream_set_timeout")) {
fwrite ($handle, "GET $url[path]?$url[query] HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $url[host]\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n");
while (!feof($handle)) {
$result .= @fread($handle, 40960);
return $result;
function tla_decodeXML($xmlstg)
if( !function_exists('html_entity_decode') ){
function html_entity_decode($string)
// replace numeric entities
$string = preg_replace('~([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\1"))', $string);
$string = preg_replace('~([0-9]+);~e', 'chr(\1)', $string);
// replace literal entities
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);
$out = "";
$retarr = "";
preg_match_all ("/<(.*?)>(.*?)", $xmlstg, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$search_ar = array('<', '>', '"');
$replace_ar = array('<', '>', '"');
$n = 0;
while (isset($out[$n]))
$retarr[$out[$n][1]][] = str_replace($search_ar, $replace_ar,html_entity_decode(strip_tags($out[$n][0])));
return $retarr;
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Causes of Sinusitis
Causes of sinusitis
Sinusitis is can be caused by any of the following:
One of the most common causes of sinusitis is allergy. When an allergen (dust) enters the sinus passages, usually through inhalation this can cause an inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes which line the nasal passages. These inflamed nasal mucosa block proper drainage of the sinuses and this blockage encourages (usually) bacterial infection, resulting in sinusitis.
Chemical irritation
Any type of chemical can potentially irritate the nasal passages and cause an inflammation of the sinuses, to lead to sinusitis. The most commonly inhaled chemical irritants that can cause sinusitis are:
cleaning products, perfumes, pest control chemicals
Dental infection
Any type of infection of any part of the teeth can be an underlying factor which can cause the symptoms of sinusitis. It is important to appropriately treat this cause of sinusitis as a dental infection can cause many complications.
Infection by virus or bacteria
The most common cause of sinusitis is due to a viral infection, usually during a cold or flu infection. The virus can infect and inflame the sinus passages and cause sinusitis symptoms. A less common cause of infection is a bacterial infection of the sinuses, which is due mainly because of the blockage of mucous that provides a perfect environment for infection.
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Sections: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
< 2: symptoms
4: prevention >
NOTE: Mega doses of any type of vitamin, mineral, amino acid or herbal supplement cannot cure illnesses and in fact can be very dangerous and produce toxic side effects and interfere with medicine you are taking. Always ensure you consult your doctor before taking any type of complementary supplements.
Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be used for diagnostic or prescriptive purposes. For any treatment or diagnosis of illness, please see your doctor.
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