of Eczema
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- What is eczema?
- Symptoms of eczema
- Causes of eczema
- Prevention of eczema
- Risk factors for eczema
- Complications of eczema
- When to see a doctor about eczema
- Diagnosis of eczema
- Conventional treatment of eczema
- Alternative/complementary treatment of eczema
- Living with eczema
- Caring for someone with eczema
Alternative/complementary treatment of eczema
Most of the lifestyle recommendations which are available in the conventional treatments for eczema are also recommended by alternative/complementary practitioners. In addition to those, there are also some other treatments recommended.
People with eczema who are taking any type of medication need to consult with their doctor before trying any of the treatment options recommended here, as there could be potential for adverse side effects especially in combination with medications.
There are a number of excellent herbs which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Aloe vera cream - the gel inside the leaves of the aloe vera plant is soothing and cooling, providing instant reduction in inflammation and relief from symptoms, providing potent anti-inflammatory and cooling effects
- Calendula cream - the herb calendula, when made up into a cream is soothing and provides a great reduction in inflammation symptoms over the longer term and in addition to this, it moisturises the skin, reduces dryness and reduces severity of symptoms
- Evening primrose oil - a cream that is made with evening primrose oil as the active ingredient is very effective at reducing the inflammation of eczema and reducing symptoms of itchiness, although it works even better when taken internally
- Tea tree oil cream - this oil of this native Australian tree has potent anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, which means it will prevent infection and it also can reduce inflammation as it has cooling properties (especially if in a cream), providing relief of symptoms
There are a number of vitamins which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Bioflavonoids - the antioxidant bioflavonoids should be used in conjunction with vitamin C to help reduce symptoms of inflammation associated with eczema, as well as to boost the function of the immune system to prevent future flare-ups
- Vitamin A - numerous studies show that the antioxidant vitamin A is essential for ensuring the skin is healthy and elastic and the mucous membranes are not dried out, which helps to prevent flare-ups of symptoms
- Vitamin B complex - studies show that the B vitamins are necessary for healthy skin and proper circulation in the body. The B vitamins also assists with the proper reproduction of the cells in the body (which is needed in renewing the cells in healing) and assists with providing proper nutrition for the nerves to reduce stress
- Vitamin C - the potent antioxidant vitamin C works to relieve the symptoms of most types of eczema, but especially for dyshidriotic eczema, which responds very well to vitamin C supplementation. Vitamin C provides support for the immune system
- Vitamin D - studies show that vitamin D is beneficial in treating the symptoms of eczema as it helps the skin to heal more quickly from any flare-ups. It can also be useful to use a cream with vitamin D on the skin affected with the eczema
- Vitamin E - the potent antioxidant vitamin E is very beneficial for the skin as it helps to relieve the itching symptoms and helps to moisturise the skin, preventing it form drying out. In addition to this, vitamin E also provides potent support for the immune system. A cream with vitamin E is also beneficial for any type of skin condition, as it helps to reduce dryness, which is a major factor in eczema
There are a number of minerals which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Magnesium - the mineral magnesium helps to relax the body tissues, which means it may be helpful in reducing the stress and anxiety associated with inflammation and pain of eczema
- Selenium - the potent antioxidant mineral selenium improves elasticity of all layers of the skin and may also assist with healing the skin more quickly from eczema flare-ups
- Zinc - the antioxidant mineral zinc helps the tissues to heal more quickly and it also helps to reduce recurrence of symptoms. In addition to this, studies show that people who have eczema may have a deficiency of zinc, which could be a part of the reason for the recurrence of all the flare-ups
Other nutrients
There are a number of other nutrients which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Alpha lipoic acid - the nutrient alpha-lipoic acid is a potent antioxidant, which provides major support for the immune system to help it function better. Studies show that an improperly functioning immune system may be the major reason behind the development of eczema, so supporting the immune system's function may reduce incidence of flare-ups
- Coenzyme Q10 - studies show that coenzyme Q10 helps to remove toxins from the body and provides support to the immune system to function more effectively
- Evening primrose oil - many studies show that the gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in evening primrose oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties and seems to assist with alleviating symptoms such as itchiness and redness as well as reducing severity and duration of flare-ups
- Fish oil - the omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil have well documented anti-inflammatory properties and studies show that they may be useful for reducing itchiness, redness and inflammation associated with eczema flare-ups
- Glutathione - the amino acid glutathione is potent antioxidant, which provides a big boost to support the immune system to help it function more effectively by normalising it and helping it to react more normally
- Probiotics - it may be beneficial to take probiotics (such as acidophilus) as they help to populate the gastrointestinal system with friendly "good" bacteria and this prevents overgrowth of yeasts and "bad" bacteria in the body, reducing risk of infection in the eczema lesions
Dietary modifications
There are a number of dietary modification strategies which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Eat more fibre - the diet should include plenty of wholegrains and other plant foods to help the colon eliminate toxins more quickly out of the body. Psyllium fibre (in the form of a powder added to foods) is often useful for this function as it is well tolerated by most people. Just make sure to add it a little at first, to get used to eating more fibre
- Eat more oily fish - the diet should include 3 portions of oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines or trout) each week. These types of fish contain the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and this may assist in reducing eczema symptoms
- Eat more vegetables and fruit - as long as they do not aggravate symptoms, the diet should include 5-7 portions of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit each day. Vegetables and fruit are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, plus because they are high in water, they help to keep the body hydrated and this may help to reduce dryness of the skin
Lifestyle modifications
There are a number of lifestyle modifications which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Apply a cold compress - use plain cotton fabric which has been moistened with cold water to the area on the skin which is inflamed with the eczema. This simple remedy can provide immediate (albeit temporary) relief, but enough to reduce the worst of inflammation and itchiness
- Avoid getting over-heated - high temperatures and sweating can cause an aggravation of symptoms in some people, so try to stay cool, use a cool compress to cool down the body and only touch the affected areas gently, to avoid aggravating the eczema symptoms
- Avoid scented soaps & detergents - perfumed soaps, shampoos, detergents, laundry liquids, softeners, cosmetics and skin care are known to aggravate existing eczema. Always use non-scented, organic soaps, skin care, cosmetics, dishwashing and laundry detergents, as well as cleaning products which are milder on the easily inflamed skin and are less likely to cause a reaction (experimentation will be necessary to find the right soap and detergent). Always read the label and avoid products that have synthetic ingredients, especially perfume and other additives that can cause irritation
- Avoid scratching the itch - by scratching the itchy patch(es) of eczema, it only makes it worse and increases the likelihood of developing worse symptoms and spreading the eczema over more area of the skin. Use one of the methods advised to reduce the symptoms to help avoid scratching the itchiness
- Avoid the allergen(s) - it is advisable to avoid any known allergens which can trigger eczema symptoms. Commonly known allergens which should be avoided are: pollen, dust mites and animal dander
- Avoid the irritant(s) - it is advisable to avoid any of the known irritants which can trigger the eczema symptoms. Commonly known irritants which should be avoided are: certain fabrics (especially wool), perfumes, cosmetics, cleaning products, soap, shampoo, environmental chemicals, cigarette smoke
- Drink more water - drink around 8-10 glasses of water each day as this will help to hydrate the body and tissue and prevent skin from drying out
- Limit exposure to sunshine - limit exposure to strong sunlight, as it can aggravate symptoms. Avoiding sunshine is an excellent way to help reduce inflammation and other symptoms associated with eczema
- Reduce exposure to stress - any type of meditation or calming therapy that will help to reduce stress and anxiety will help to reduce symptoms as stress is known to aggravate symptoms
- Stop smoking - studies show that nicotine can aggravate or even initiate some types of eczema (especially if there is an allergy to cigarettes). Do not smoke and do not be exposed to second-hand smoke from other people
Alternative treatments
- Naturopath - a naturopath can help to identify the source of the allergens or irritants. In addition to this, a naturopath can provide a tailor-made treatment plan with herbs, vitamins and other nutrients to help reduce symptoms
Always ensure that you notify your medical practitioner of any supplements that you want to take - it may interfere with other medication or conditions you have. Confirm with your doctor it is safe to take BEFORE you try it.
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< 9: conventional treatment 11: living with eczema >