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There are a number of rashes that can commonly occur in babies, which are generally not harmful, but are irritating to the baby. Some of these rashes are due to the hormones which are still circulating in the baby (they came from the mother through the placenta) and other rashes are just due to the baby's skin not being properly developed and subsequently too sensitive to external (and internal) irritants.
Some of the most common (and not harmful) rashes in babies are:
This is a harmless rash which often affects babies from the second day of their life and is more common in full term babies. This rash causes tiny yellow or white lumps to form that have a ring of red around them. Sometimes the lumps contain fluid, which is not pus, it is simply red blood cells and is not infected. The rash often occurs on the babies' face or body and may come and go.
- Treatment - there is no treatment for erythema toxicum as is not a sign of infection and it normally disappears within a few days
It is very common in some babies to develop acne-type lesions on the face a few weeks after they are born. The infantile acne is believed to occur due to the hormones in the baby's body from the mother, which are still circulating in the baby. These hormones may cause an overproduction of the sebum in the skin and this causes the acne-type symptoms on the baby's face.
- Treatment - the infantile acne will normally clear up on its own within a few weeks (when the mother's hormones stop circulating in the baby). If the acne becomes infected (it will get very red and inflamed), then a doctor will need to provide appropriate treatment
This causes the sebaceous (oil) glands to becomes enlarged and blocked, with very small white or yellow solid lumps that form mainly on the baby's nose, cheeks and upper lip. This is very common in newborn babies and it is caused by the mother's hormones still circulating in the baby's body.
- Treatment - no treatment is necessary as these tiny lumps resolve on their own once the mother's hormones stop circulating in the baby
Cradle cap causes a build-up of white or brownish-yellow flakes on the baby's scalp (and sometimes their forehead). Cradle cap can start soon after a baby is born up to about 12-18 months. Cradle cap is believed to be caused by overactive sebaceous (oil) glands, which is due to the mother's hormones still circulating in the baby.
Cradle cap does not cause bleeding, irritation or fever. If the scalp becomes red or inflamed or occurs beyond just the scalp, this is known as seborrhoeic dermatitis which requires a different treatment.
- Treatment - cradle cap is harmless, it just looks unsightly! To loosen the flakes from the baby's scalp, massage a little warmed olive oil into the baby's scalp and leave it on there for about an hour. Either comb out the flakes with a comb or brush them out with a soft brush and follow by shampooing the baby's hair. Try the olive oil on a frequent basis and wash the baby's scalp and hair about 3-4 times a week and try to ensure all hair care products used are organic. If this does not resolve the cradle cap, then see a doctor for further advice
Almost all babies develop some form of nappy rash during the first 12 months of their life. Nappy rash occurs when the faeces and urine irritate the delicate skin around the baby's buttocks and genital area and this causes redness and inflammation, but sometimes there can also be blisters, pimples and spots.
In general, nappy rash occurs due to the following:
- When the nappy (together with the urine and/or faeces) have been on the baby for too long. The ammonia in the urine and the bacteria in the faeces may inflame and irritate the baby's skin
- When the baby has diarrhoea due to a stomach bug or when the baby's diet is changed (weaning onto solid foods or weaning from breast milk to formula milk)
- The strong chemicals in some soaps used to wash the baby's skin can irritate it and cause nappy rash. Always use gentle, certified organic soap specifically for baby's skin to avoid irritating it by toxic chemicals
- The chemicals in bubble bath and baby wipes are quite toxic to baby's skin and can often cause nappy rash, especially since they have direct contact with the skin and can irritate it
When removing a soiled nappy, clean the area thoroughly and always wipe from genitals to buttocks, never the other way. Use a certified organic baby soap and warm water to wash the area. Rinse off the soap and dry the area gently with a soft cloth. Try to use certified organic baby lotion if the nappy rash is very inflamed. Avoid using plastic pants as they can prevent air from circulating in the area, which can further exacerbate the nappy rash. If cloth nappies are being used, add a soft, cotton nappy liner to the baby's buttocks and genital area before putting on the nappy, to provide a layer that keeps moisture away ands may help prevent nappy rash (or worsening of symptoms). The cloth nappies and nappy liner need to be washed in mild organic baby soap.
Nappy rash is normally harmless, albeit distress for baby and mother, but sometimes it can become infected, which requires medical attention.
- Treatment - change the baby's nappy as soon as it becomes soiled or wet. Newborn babies generally need nappy changing about 10-12 times a day, while toddlers (up to 12 months old) usually require 6-8 nappy changes.
A calendula based barrier cream can be an effective and natural remedy. The calendula is very gentle, yet it is also an antiseptic, which promotes healing and helps to reduce inflammation. The barrier cream should provide a barrier between the urine/faeces and the baby's skin.
Doctors will prescribe a nappy cream for nappy rash.
Milia are commonly known as "milk spots" and are very small white or yellow solid lumps that form when the baby's sebaceous glands become blocked, either by old skin cells or the oil in the glands.
- Treatment - Milia are harmless and will usually resolve on their own without the need for treatment. In some instances, the milia may not resolve so quickly
NOTE: Sometimes the harmless rash can become infected or really inflamed (and red). If this occurs, the baby needs to be taken to a doctor for appropriate treatment
Miliaria is common known as "sweat rash" or "prickly heat", which can occur if the external environment is hot and sticky and this causes the baby to sweat a lot. Miliaria are tiny spots and blisters which occur in the area of the most sweating and are very common in babies and toddlers.
Miliaria is caused when the baby's sweat glands become blocked and inflamed due to excessive sweating. This causes small blisters to form under the baby's skin and they develop on areas that are the most prone to sweating (forehead, armpits, back of knees).
Miliaria can develop into a few different forms, depending on how close to the surface the blockage of the sweat glands has occurred, so the symptoms can range from slight inflammation (miliaria crystallina) to more inflamed skin (miliaria rubra).
- Treatment - ensure to keep the baby cool (but not cold) enough when the weather is very hot and humid. If the miliaria do occur, bathe the baby in some cool water on a frequent basis or use a wet cloth to cool the baby down. There is also the option of using calamine lotion on the miliaria, if it is severe