of Endometriosis
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- What is endometriosis?
- Symptoms of endometriosis
- Causes of endometriosis
- Prevention of endometriosis
- Risk factors for endometriosis
- Complications of endometriosis
- When to see a doctor about endometriosis
- Diagnosis of endometriosis
- Conventional treatment of endometriosis
- Alternative/complementary treatment of endometriosis
- Living with endometriosis
- Caring for someone with endometriosis
Alternative/complementary treatment of endometriosis
Women who suspect they have endometriosis, should visit their doctor for diagnosis and confirmation.
The alternative/complementary strategies discussed here should be used as an adjunct to treatment (after removal of the endometrial implants) and to boost the immune system and reduce further risk of endometrial implants, but only with the permission of a doctor that it is safe to do so, given that some women may be taking medications or have other health conditions that may interact with some alternative/complementary strategies.
There are a number of excellent herbs which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Black cohosh (Actaea rcaemosa/Cimicifuga racemosa) - the herb black cohosh has been traditionally used to treat menopause symptoms and to balance the female hormones which may help to reduce symptoms. This herb may be especially beneficial for women who have had a hysterectomy. Due to the effect that black cohosh has on eostrogen, it should not be used in women with female-type eostrogen-dependent cancers, without approval from a doctor, it should not be used by women who are also taking the contraceptive pill and it should not be used for longer than six months
- Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) - the herb chasteberry has been traditionally used by herbalists to normalise eostrogen levels (by inducing the pituitary gland to produce more luteinising hormone (LH) and increasing production of progesterone). Chasteberry also helps to promote ovulation, which may help women who have trouble conceiving. Studies show that when women are supplemented with chasteberry, their progesterone levels became normal, but these studies may not have been reliable, so NCCAM is funding studies on chasteberry
- Dong Quai (Angelica sinesis) - the herb dong quai has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries as treatment for menstrual related problems. Studies show dong quai has substances which help to relax smooth muscles (such as the uterus), reduce menstrual pain and normalise eostrogen levels
- Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) - the potent antioxidant milk thistle (St Mary's Thistle) helps to protect the liver from the damage caused by free radicals due to the inflammation of endometriosis. Many studies show that milk thistle reduces oxidative damage to the liver and protects it from dysfunction and damage as good as, or better than any known medications
- White peony (Paenoia lactiflora) - the herb white peony has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries to reduce uterine spasm and pain due to endometriosis during menstruation. One study suggests that this herb does have anti-inflammatory properties which may reduce prostaglandin activity and reduce pain symptoms of endometriosis. While TCM is a respected form of herbal medicine, there are not enough published studies to verify these results on a larger scale, but they are currently ongoing
There are a number of vitamins which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Bioflavonoids - the potent antioxidant bioflavonoids help to keep the immune system functioning normally and healthy. Bioflavonoids, together with vitamin C, are needed to help reduce the damage from free radicals, which are produced in inflammatory conditions such as endometriosis
- Vitamin A - the potent antioxidant vitamin A helps to keep the immune system functioning normally and healthy. Vitamin A is needed to help reduce the damage from free radicals, which are produced in inflammatory conditions such as endometriosis
- Vitamin C - the potent antioxidant vitamin C helps to keep the immune system functioning normally and healthy. Vitamin C is needed to help reduce the damage from free radicals, which are produced in inflammatory conditions such as endometriosis. In addition to this, vitamin C helps the body get rid of excess eostrogen
- Vitamin E - the potent antioxidant vitamin E helps to keep the immune system functioning normally and healthy. Vitamin E is needed to help reduce the damage from free radicals, which are produced in inflammatory conditions such as endometriosis. Studies show vitamin E helps to inhibit arachidonic acid to prevent increase in prostaglandins. In addition to this, vitamin E is needed for healthy circulation so it may assist with removal of the endometrial implants
There are a number of minerals which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Calcium - the mineral calcium is especially needed during menstruation because it helps to reduce pelvic cramping and pain because calcium helps to ensure muscle tone is normal and healthy (and not spasming)
- Iron - women who suffer heavy bleeding during menstruation will need to replenish their iron levels to avoid risk of iron deficiency and anaemia
- Magnesium - the mineral magnesium helps to relax all smooth muscles (it is a natural muscle relaxant), which means it is required in conditions such as endometriosis, where the uterine wall is contracting in spasms, to reduce these spasms and reduce pain symptoms. Magnesium is also indicated for women with PMS (or PMDD) too
- Zinc - the potent antioxidant zinc helps to keep the immune system functioning normally and healthy. Zinc is needed to help reduce the damage from free radicals, which are produced in inflammatory conditions such as endometriosis. Zinc also stimulates the gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH) which promote ovulation
Other nutrients
There are a number of other nutrients which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Evening primrose oil - evening primrose oil has high content of GLA (gamma-linoleic acid), which is an excellent anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid. Evening primrose oil inhibits the formation of the inflammatory prostaglandins released during menstruation, reduces inflammation in the pelvic region in general and helps to reduce pain symptoms
- Fish oil - a number of studies suggest the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil (DHA/EPA) have a beneficial effect in women with endometriosis, by reducing inflammation, reducing the prevalence of endometrial implants and reducing symptoms
- Glutathione - the potent antioxidant amino acid glutathione helps to reduce free radical activity in the body, which occurs when there is an increased amount of inflammation in conditions such as endometriosis. Studies show that this antioxidant also helps the liver detoxify from free radicals and other toxins produced during inflammation
- Quercetin - the potent antioxidant quercetin is actually a flavonoid, which is especially needed to reduce the allergic response to inflammation and as many women who have endometriosis have allergy symptoms, it may be beneficial as it has anti-inflammatory properties
Dietary modifications
There are a number of dietary modification strategies which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Adequate intake of poly and mono unsaturated fats - ensure that your diet has adequate amounts of these healthy fats, which contain the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Most beneficial are: olive oil, sunflower oil and safflower oil
- Decrease saturated fat intake - excessive intake of saturated fats, from fatty meat and especially from fried foods and processed foods has a pro-inflammatory effect on the body, which increases inflammation and can make symptoms much worse
- Decrease sugar intake - excessive sugar intake can increase inflammation in the body, by increasing the number of prostaglandins present and this is bad news if you have endometriosis, as it means you have high levels of inflammation and the excessive sugar intake can only make it worse. The simplest and easiest way to cut down on sugar intake is to limit intake of processed foods and always read labels
- Don't smoke cigarettes - smoking cigarettes will only increase inflammation in the body, increase symptoms and increase risk of infertility, which is already a risk for women with endometriosis, so smoking greatly increases that risk. If you smoke, give it up and do not be exposed to other people's second hand cigarette smoke as it has exactly the same effect as if you were smoking the cigarettes (but unfiltered, so it makes it worse) yourself
- Increase intake of plant foods - increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds to provide more adequate nutrients for your body, reduce inflammation and reduce symptoms
- Limit alcohol intake - excessive alcohol intake (beyond the recommended amounts) increases inflammation in the body and can exacerbate symptoms. It is recommended to have only 1 standard alcoholic drink 4-5 days per week at the most, for women with endometriosis. In addition to this, high alcohol intake is associated with infertility and birth defects
- Limit caffeine intake - excessive caffeine intake increases inflammation, is a diuretic and is associated with infertility too. Sources of caffeine: coffee, tea (green, white and black), chocolate, energy drinks, some soft drinks
Lifestyle modifications
There are a number of lifestyle modifications which may help to provide relief for symptoms:
- Avoid xenoeostrogens - there are a number of chemicals used today that have eostrogenic effects on the body (they are called xenoeostrogens). These xenoeostrogens disrupt the endocrine (hormone) system, by attaching to the hormone receptors on cells, or by otherwise blocking the body's natural hormones from performing their function properly. A number of health concerns are indicated for xenoeostrogens: endometriosis, cancer, infertility, ovarian dysfunction, so they should be avoided as much as possible. The most common xenoeostrogens are: dioxin, plastics, pesticides, PCB's, PVC, alkyl phenols, cadmium and lead
- Exercise regularly - try to ensure that you exercise for at least 30-45 minutes every day (preferably longer and more intense workouts). Alternate workouts with cardiovascular training and fitness training to strengthen every part of the body, increase circulation, boost the immune system and reduce incidence of endometrial implants. Studies show that regular exercise is associated with a 40%-80% reduction in risk for endometriosis
Alternative treatments
- Acupuncture - several studies suggest that acupuncture (traditional Chinese or Japanese) may be a useful, effective and safe strategy for reducing pelvic pain (as well as fatigue, headaches and nausea) in young women diagnosed with endometriosis
- Progesterone cream - some studies suggest a beneficial effect from using a bio-identical progesterone cream (usually made from wild yam) to help normalise levels of all hormone and reduce eostrogen levels if too high. Since endometriosis is an eostrogen-dominant condition, normalising eostrogen levels may help to reduce pain symptoms of endometriosis. A bio-identical progesterone cream has much fewer side effects than progestin, the synthetic version of progesterone
Always ensure that you notify your medical practitioner of any supplements that you want to take - it may interfere with other medication or conditions you have. Confirm with your doctor it is safe to take BEFORE you try it.
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< 9: conventional treatment 11: living with endometriosis >