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- What is endometriosis?
- Symptoms of endometriosis
- Causes of endometriosis
- Prevention of endometriosis
- Risk factors for endometriosis
- Complications of endometriosis
- When to see a doctor about endometriosis
- Diagnosis of endometriosis
- Conventional treatment of endometriosis
- Alternative/complementary treatment of endometriosis
- Living with endometriosis
- Caring for someone with endometriosis
The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, which is shed each month (after it builds up) in the form of bleeding during the first week of the menstrual cycle.
In women with endometriosis, parts of the lining of the uterus travel to other organs and tissues outside the endometrium (and uterus) and this causes inflammation and pain as well as all the other symptoms of endometriosis.
Endometrial tissues can be found in any of the following areas:
- Pelvic cavity - most adhesions are found within the pelvic cavity, on the: ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, cervix, vulva, outer surface of the endometrium and all other areas within the pelvic cavity
- Abdominal cavity - some adhesions have also been found within the abdominal cavity, on the: outside of the stomach, colon, liver, and other areas within the abdominal cavity
- Thoracic cavity - rarely, adhesions have been found within the thoracic cavity on the: outside of the lungs, ribs
Endometrial tissue has been found in all areas in the body including the peripheral nerves, spinal column and the skin, except for the brain, heart and spleen. The endometrial tissue which travels outside the endometrium are called implants, as they implant on the body's organs and they have adhesive quality because they act as an adhesive (or "glue") which makes them sticky and this causes whatever tissue they are located on to stick to other nearby tissues and organs.
The endometrial adhesions, wherever they are, will expand and then bleed each month (as if they were inside the endometrium, ready for menstruation), as if they existed in the uterus, getting ready to implant an egg because they have eostrogen receptors and because of the effect that eostrogen has on these cells.
This constant expansion of the endometrial cells outside the endometrium causes great inflammation in the other organs where these lesions are located, plus it makes organs that should be separate, stick together, putting pressure on the whole pelvic region and this is what causes all the pain associated with endometriosis.
Endometriosis is classified according to the following:
- Stage I (minimal) - very little endometrial tissue outside the endometrium, with some implanted on one ovary and in the peritoneum. Implants are between 1-3cm deep and have some adhesion
- Stage II (mild) - some more endometrial tissue outside the endometrium, with some implanted on both ovaries and in the peritoneum. Implants are larger than 3cm deep and have some adhesion
- Stage III (moderate) - a lot more endometrial tissue in the peritoneum and both ovaries, as well as on the fallopian tubes. The pouch of Douglas (area between the uterus and anus) is partially obstructed. Implants are larger then 3cm deep, some with a little adhesion and others with deep adhesion
- Stage IV (severe) - a lot of endometrial tissue in the peritoneum, along the peritoneum and on both ovaries, as well as on the fallopian tubes. The implants are very deep and over 3cm deep with deep adhesion. The The pouch of Douglas (area between the uterus and anus) is totally obstructed
Facts about endometriosis
- Endometriosis is a much misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed and misunderstood disorder
- Endometriosis is a very common gynaecological disorder of women
- Endometriosis literally means "abnormal condition of the endometrium", the inner lining of the uterus
- Experts believe that endometriosis affects anywhere between 1%-10% of all women of child bearing years, but the figures may be as high as 20% because not all women with pelvic pain visit a doctor or have investigative procedures to confirm or rule out this conditions
- Experts think endometriosis is due to an excessive amount of eostrogen ("eostrogen dominance")
- Endometriosis causes pain in many women both during menstruation as well as when not menstruating
- Endometriosis can make sex painful for a woman, especially during penetration
- Endometriosis is named because it refer to the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, which is normally shed during the menstrual cycle but in women with endometriosis, this lining instead finds itself outside of the uterus and in and on surrounding body tissues and organs
- Endometrial implants have adhesive qualities, which makes them sticky and causes organs they implant to get stuck together or be obstructed (partially or totally)
- Some women with endometriosis have no pain at all nor other symptoms (asymptomatic), even if they have stage IV (severe) endometriosis
- Up to 30% of women with endometriosis experience no pain at all, no matter how severe or mild their condition
- Approximately 60% of women with endometriosis also develop cysts on their ovaries, usually on both
- About 30%-50% of women with endometriosis become infertile (unable to get pregnant)
- Some women experience a lot of pain and other symptoms even if they have stage I (minimal) endometriosis
- Endometriosis can often be diagnosed during another procedure, by accident
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