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- What is endometriosis?
- Symptoms of endometriosis
- Causes of endometriosis
- Prevention of endometriosis
- Risk factors for endometriosis
- Complications of endometriosis
- When to see a doctor about endometriosis
- Diagnosis of endometriosis
- Conventional treatment of endometriosis
- Alternative/complementary treatment of endometriosis
- Living with endometriosis
- Caring for someone with endometriosis
Sections: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Last reviewed: 11 January 2010 || Last updated: 11 January 2010
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- Cooke K, Trickey R. Endometriosis: Natural and Medical Solutions. Allan and Unwin, Australia 2002
- Cooke K, Trickey R. Women's Trouble: Natural and Medical Solutions. Allan and Unwin, Australia 1998
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To learn more, go to the following web sites:
- Royal Women's Hospital, Victoria - Endometriosis (Australia)
- Endometriosis UK (UK)
- Endometriosis in the UK (UK)
- Royal College Of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK)
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine (USA)
- Endometriosis Association (USA)
- World Endometriosis Research Foundation
- Experts Patient Program - Self-Managing Long Term Health Conditions (UK)
NOTE: Mega doses of any type of vitamin, mineral, amino acid or herbal supplement cannot cure illnesses and in fact can be very dangerous and produce toxic side effects and interfere with medicine you are taking. Always ensure you consult your doctor before taking any type of complementary supplements.
Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to be used for diagnostic or prescriptive purposes. For any treatment or diagnosis of illness, please see your doctor.