Understanding Chinese Medicine & Qi Gong
Vital Health Zone is proud to announce Kay Hutchinson, who is our resident chinese medicine and qi gong expert and who is available to answer all your questions about chinese medicine and alternative health.
Kay has a private practice and is available for distance consultation, via telephone or email.
Kay answers all your chinese medicine and qi gong questions below:
Q: I have been diagnosed to have an ovarian cyst on my right ovary and I have been advised to undergo surgery to remove it. I am confused and worried about the type of surgery that they will have to perform to remove this cyst.
Is surgery inevitable? Is it safe and simple? Is there a specific type of surgery that is preferred or does it depend on the cyst? Are there some type of medicines I can take that can shrink the cyst to make it go away?
A: Ovarian cysts can be solid or fluid-filled. Usually medical doctors recommend surgery for the solid variety.
In Chinese medicine, we view solid cysts as stagnation and depending on size might give herbs to help release the stagnation and size of the cyst. Each person is different so a custom formula is usually best.
Acupuncture can also help to increase circulation to the ovary and break up stagnation as well as correct the underlying factors that have contributed to the formation of the cyst. You might wish to get a second opinion about the need of surgery from a licensed acupuncturist and explore how herbs and acupuncture might help.
In some cases, because of the size of the cyst and its impact on other internal organs, surgery is needed. So, be open to exploring what other options are available as well as considering the advice of medical physicians.
May you have blessings and healing.
Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Consult with your medical physician regarding appropriateness of using herbs in your healing process.
Contact Kay Hutchinson, CAMQ, CAMT at Aiki Healing today for a consultation for a custom herbal formulation.
Enjoy better health!